Create your Account!
The online store works much like Amazon or any other retail webstore. You will have your own login tied to the email of your preference. You can always recover your password by using the ‘forgot password’ link at the log in screen. Your password and other personal information can be changed under Account Information usually found to the left of the screen. You can also get to Account information by clicking the person icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Change Your Location:
Your location will automatically be set to ‘Fair Share Farm Pick Up’ when you first create your account. To change your location, log in to your account and select 'account information' which can be found on the left menu bar or under the person icon at the top of the screen. Scroll down to 'Default Distribution Location' and select where you would like to pick up. Finally, be sure to scroll down further and click 'Update Account Information' to save your changes. Your location for pick up will change what order periods you can view and will be reflected in your order confirmation email. If you have any questions about your order location or would like to confirm you have the right location selected, feel free to reach out to Emma using the information provided in your confirmation.
Pick up Locations:
Fair Share Farm
3868 Transou Road
Pfafftown, NC 27040Tuesday 4:15-6PM
Friday 4:15-6PM
Saturday 9-11AM
Bobby Boy Bakery -- Order Deadline Friday 5:30 AM
1100 Reynolda Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Saturday Winter Hours 10AM - Noon
Cobblestone Farmers Market -- Order Deadline Tuesday at 5:30 AM and Friday 5:30 AM
1001 Marshall Street Parking LotSaturday Winter Hours 10 AM - Noon Tent Pick Up, Curbside 10AM-11:45 AM
Davidson Farmers Market -- Order Deadline Thursday 5:30 AM
Library Parking Lot Pick Up for Pre Orders
Thursday 4-5:30PM
If you're ready, Register as a Customer. Join our Email List to stay informed about Your Market.